Working paper
Konjunkturinstitutets resultat från forskning och metodutveckling inom exempelvis arbetsmarknad, produktivitet och finanspolitik. I den miljöekonomiska forskningen ingår samhällsekonomiska analyser som bidrar som beslutsunderlag till svensk miljöpolitik.
Working Paper no. 156
The Environmental Medium-Term Economic (EMEC) Model: Version 4
Our objective with this working paper is to describe in full this latest version of the EMEC model and how we work with the model in reference and policy scenarios.By Vincent M. Otto and David von Below
Working Paper no. 155
Automatic fiscal stabilizers in Sweden 1998–2019
We use data from Sweden, a welfare state that has undertaken sizeable reforms to strengthen work incentives, to shed more light on the trade-off between policies to make work pay and the size of automatic (fiscal) stabilizers.By Johan Almenberg and Markus Sigonius
Working Paper no. 154
Nowcasting Swedish GDP Growth
In this paper we nowcast Swedish GDP growth using several types of popular short-term forecasting models.By Sebastian Ankargren and Unn Lindholm
Alla utgåvor i nummerordning
Svante Mandell
Chef miljöekonomi
08-453 59 74
Ylva Hedén Westerdahl
08-453 59 77