How the databases work
You may download unlimited quantities of data from the NIER’s website free of charge. The data may also be processed, copied and distributed to other users, including for commercial use. This applies to both manual retrieval and automated retrieval via the database’s API.
How to use the forecast database and statistical database
If a table exceeds 1,000 rows and 30 columns, not all of the table will appear on screen, but you can still download it as an Excel file or in another format. The limit for downloads is 250,000 cells.
Automated data retrieval
The interface for the databases makes it easy to search and download data. It also allows you to adjust the table settings and save your searches, and so gain direct access to updated data as they are published without needing to perform a new search in the interface (see Figure 3 above). This will be enough for most users, but those who wish to automate and program their searches to an even greater degree can use the database’s API. The API can be used in various ways but requires some programming skills (see Figure 4 above).
Example code for Python
Example 1: statistical database (Python)
Example 2: statistical database (Python)
Example 3: forecast database (Python)
Example code for R
Example 1: statistical database (R)
Business and consumer surveys
The Economic Tendency Survey forms part of the European Commission’s Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys and is part-funded by the EU. The time series published by the NIER may differ from the corresponding series published by the European Commission, partly because the two use different methods to seasonally adjust the time series. The Commission also calculates the net balances for the questions in the consumer survey slightly differently and bases its consumer confidence indicator on a different set of questions.
The results for the Economic Tendency Survey’s questions for consumers form part of Sweden’s official statistics, which must always be available in electronic form.