Retrieve Forecast Data to Your Spreadsheet

With our Excel-based system for API download, you can create spreadsheet files that are linked to the Forecast database. The database API ensures your files are automatically updated whenever a new forecast is published.

You can build your own customised package of tables, based on the tables in the Forecast database. When a new quarterly forecast is published, you can easily update your tables with new data.


Searching and downloading data is made easy by the database interface. You have the option to save a specific search and thus get instant access to updated forecast data. These features cover the needs of most users.

Using the database API (Application Programming Interface), however, lets you fully explore the potential for automation. The API can be used in different ways, but requires some programming skills.

Self-instructional system

The NIER is not able to provide advice or assistance regarding API usage. However, we have developed a simple Excel-based system for creating and automatically updating files linked to the Forecast database, designed to be self-instructional.

The aim is to offer a complete system for Excel users who wish to download large custom extracts of the Forecast database, and to provide a model for those who wish to program their own application in Excel (VBA).

The NIER assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors in the system.

How to get started

  1. Download the files APIMall.xlsm Excel, 29.5 kB. and APIStyrfil.xlsm Excel, 62.3 kB. and place them in the same folder.
  2. Open APIStyrfil.xlsm Excel, 62.3 kB. and follow the instructions.


Files available for download
File type icon Filename File size File upload date
XLSM APIMall.xlsm Excel, 29.5 kB. 29.5 kB 2016-06-28 09.05
XLSM APIStyrfil.xlsm Excel, 62.3 kB. 62.3 kB 2016-06-28 09.05

Economic Tendency Survey Business and Consumer

The Economic Tendency Survey forms part of the European Commission’s Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys and is part-funded by the EU. The time series published by the NIER may differ from the corresponding series published by the European Commission, partly because the two use different methods to seasonally adjust the time series. The Commission also calculates the net balances for the questions in the consumer survey slightly differently and bases its consumer confidence indicator on a different set of questions.

The results for the Economic Tendency Survey’s questions for consumers form part of Sweden’s official statistics, which must always be available in electronic form.