
The Forecast Database

Starting with NIER’s March, 2016, forecast, all data from the Swedish Economy (Konjunkturläget) report will be published in a new database on our website. Users will appreciate easier searching, access and retrieval of data series, as well as the possibility of saving queries for future updates.

If you already are using our household and business tendency survey statistics, you will recognise the interface of the new forecast database: it uses the same general design and technical platform (PX Web, from Statistics Sweden).

Support for saving and updating queries

Searching and downloading forecast series is straightforward, and you can save your searches for later updating. For those users who would like to build their own retrieval solution, there is an API available, facilitating automatic downloading of variables and meta data.

The database replaces Excel data files

The introduction of the new database means that we will discontinue publishing the comprehensive forecast data set in Excel files, effective 23 March.

From now on, forecast data sets will be released in the database only. In addition, our archives holding data from forecasts produced prior to 2016 will still be available in Excel files here at konj.se/en.

How to use the database